Our Team

Kavita Tanna

Kavita is a lifelong learner and educator who has worked with young and older learners around the world. Her mission is to learn from, with and through like-minded individuals who wish to empower all people through meaningful, interconnected, and globally-minded conversations.

She inspires USTAWI Global Communities to create, sustain and regenerate transformative learning communities using systems thinking, and relationship-based learning experiences.

Kavita’s vision is to co-create a harmonious world in which all living systems can flourish. 

Nicholas Salmon

Nick is a 9th-generation educator focused on educational visioning, professional development of educators, and design support for future-flexible learning environments. 

He is the world’s first self-certified educational Furniture Whisperer - capable of coaxing the greatest potential out of the unruliest school furnishings.

He supports USTAWI Global Communities through coaching teams of educators to create relationship-based, real-world, entrepreneurial-mindset projects.

Jimmie Odhiambo

Jimmie inspired and led the first USTAWI Survey team to build relationships in 4 communities in Kenya. Teams have returned to those same communities five times, witnessing communities coming alive.

His graduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education focus on learning equity through Technology & Innovation.

Jimmie’s internship with the JBJ Foundation, in collaboration with the government of Malawi and Imagine Worldwide implemented a country-wide Edtech program.

Thompson Morrison

Thompson has taken his experience in running high performance teams in the software industry to co-develop a new learning framework.

This framework is intentionally designed to accelerate the learning speed of students in schools around the world, recognizing that these students are the leverage point for global transformation.

As these students come alive and flourish, they model for others the creative potential within all of us.